Create a delivery area

To create a new delivery area click on « Delivery areas » on the left sidebar menu. Then click on « Add new » at the top of the page.

It should be quite easy to use for the most of the WordPress users because this tab is a Custom Post Type (CPT), it is the same functioning than when you want add a mere post or page on your website.

Here you can specify the settings of your area. One important thing to understand is that each delivery area works independently. So for each area, you define its own delivery fees, minimum amounttime where you can receive orders and the customer indication to tell when their order will be delivered.

Draw your delivery area

Draw delivery area straight on a google map
Draw your delivery areas easily with polygons


To draw an area on the Google Map you must click on the polygon at the top of the map. Then you can begin to draw, it is very easy to use !

In this way you can draw several polygon for one area. In other words an area can be composed of several polygons. It is very handy if you want that this location possess the same minimum account and moment where orders are available.

Moreover, you have the possiblity to remove a polygon by clicking on it. Then you will see a bin icon on the right of the Map.

Delivery Fees

Define delivery fees for each delivery area. This feature will enable you to satisfy at best your needs. For instance, you will be able to increase the delivery price for the furthest areas. If a location is inside several areas, it is the area with the cheapeast delivery fees that will be selected.

Minimum Amount & Time of Delivery

On the right of your window, you should have the « Minimum Amount » option. You can enter 0 if this option is not useful for your website or enter your own minimum amount.

Below this box, you have the « Time of Delivery » box. This sentence will be displayed on the checkout page and on the thanks page of an order.

Minimum amount and time of delivery for local delivery
Select your minimum amount & time of delivery


Delivery hours for local delivery woocommerce
Enter periods when you want to accept new orders


Here you can as much as schedule as you want. In this way you can automatically accept orders at an accurate hours and day of the week.

For instance, if you are a restaurant, you can accept orders during the morning and then deliver it at midday.

WARNING: The first hour must be lower than the end hour and hours must math with this format hh:mm. If it is not the case, you won’t be able to apply your timetable and an error message will appear.

If you want to see your areas on your website, outside of your admin, complete a cart and open the checkout page.